Friday 30 December 2011


The cycle comes back on itself and all our heroes in their farce
(Crucifier crucify get crucified)
Have returned to infant form
(Crucifier crucify get crucified)
splashed in photographs on our mantelpiece
(Crucifier crucify get crucified)
We mock and we jaw and cultivate humility
(Crucifier crucify get crucified)
Our heels on the neck of the people we pity
(Crucifier crucify get crucified)

Next time around when cities level and wells pool red
(Pacifier pacify get pacified)
No snapshots will survive
(Pacifier pacify get pacified)
No ticker tape returns
(Pacifier pacify get pacified)
We'll die in the fruits of our own sick memory
(Pacifier pacify get pacified)
No square jawed saviour blazing morality
(Pacifier pacify get pacified)
Will mark a trail bleached of guilt

The vacuous zones we carve from our enmity
We cruise right through them (so aghast)
Dripping with blood from the palms of our tyrants
Dripping with blood from the palms of our tyrants yeh

The endless gash we chewed with our gluttony
We Cruise right past it (jaws agape)
Tripping with blood fault lines from our iris
Tripping with blood fault lines from our iris

And whilst the rot keeps eating away
We govern de facto
Molotovs drip dripping away
His majesty is waiting

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