Saturday, 20 February 2010

4th Floor Atrophy (May 31st 2009)

4th Floor Atrophy
No discipline
I have to tell everyone different everythings
Though its amazing how often certain people feature
Can’t get a handle on substance
Or follow through to the hard core beneath
Troublesome definitions loom overshadowing
And the blade that cuts clear stays sheathed
Bright sun bitter wind
Leisure spent baulking at aggression
Flirting with the academy instead
So aren’t we quite the pioneers?
Drowning in limescale and blue ink
Binding our lives for submission
Just so we can break those chains
And create new ones
To ‘protect’ us from the possibility of our selves
Slot me in
And breathe easy in the new world we’re realising
Whilst we scoff at those that have emerged blinking since
Into the light that shines
From our collective rear
Being earnest, righteous and true
Without a shadow of a doubt
Except the one it casts
Long, amorphous, flickering

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